You know you're Dutch when ...

Colleen Geske

Engels | 30-09-2024 | 200 pagina's



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Korte beschrijving/Annotatie

Van de makers van de bestsellerreeks ‘Stuff Dutch People Like’ verschijnt nu dit nieuwe, humoristische boekje over alles wat Nederlanders nu precies zo Nederlands maakt! Dit hilarische boek doet je ongetwijfeld instemmend knikken en huilen van het lachen!

Tekst achterflap

From the creators of the bestselling Stuff Dutch People Like series comes this new and humorous guide to what really makes Dutch people so very....Dutch! This hilarious read will have you nodding your head in agreement - and maybe even wiping away tears of laughter!


From the creators of the bestselling Stuff Dutch People Like series comes this new and humorous guide to what really makes Dutch people so very....Dutch! This hilarious read will have you nodding your head in agreement - and maybe even wiping away tears of laughter!


EAN :9789082133653
Uitgever :Edenfrost
Publicatie datum :  30-09-2024
Uitvoering :Hardback
Taal/Talen : Engels
Hoogte :158 mm
Breedte :156 mm
Dikte :19 mm
Gewicht :280 gr
Status :Herdruk
Aantal pagina's :200
Keywords :  volkskarakter;nederland